Emergency Department Onboarding Best Practices
Works Consulted
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The document titled "Emergency Department Onboarding: Best Practices" provides a list of works consulted on the topic. These works include articles and resources that focus on various aspects of onboarding in the emergency department.<br /><br />One of the sources mentioned is an article by Barnes and Veesart (2019), which discusses the transition from nurse clinician to nurse educator and emphasizes the need for more nurse educators in the healthcare field.<br /><br />Another article cited is by Beamer, Kromer, and Jeffery (2020), which highlights the importance of trust in the orientation process and suggests ways to build trust between preceptors and new hires.<br /><br />Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, and Day's book (2010) called "Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation" is also referenced. This book advocates for a transformation in nursing education to better prepare nurses for the changing healthcare landscape.<br /><br />The taxonomy of educational objectives by Bloom, et al. (1956) is mentioned as a foundational resource for categorizing educational goals in the cognitive domain.<br /><br />The role of preceptors in successful orientation is discussed in an article by Bodine (2020), which emphasizes the importance of selecting the right preceptors for new hires.<br /><br />Bradley's article (2012) on standards of professional performance for nursing professional development is included as a resource for guiding the onboarding process.<br /><br />The Emergency Nurses Association's (2023) Emergency Nurse Residence Program is mentioned as a specific program designed to support new nurses in the emergency department.<br /><br />Other sources, including articles by Farani (2022), Joswiak (2018), Kjelland, et al. (2021), Lenburg (1999), Powers, Herron, and Pagel (2019), and resources from The Joint Commission provide additional insights and information on topics such as education, training, competency assessment, and the role of preceptors in new nurse transitions to practice.<br /><br />Overall, these works consulted provide a comprehensive range of perspectives and guidance on best practices for emergency department onboarding.
Emergency Department Onboarding: Best Practices
nurse clinician
nurse educator
nursing education
changing healthcare landscape
cognitive domain
successful orientation
Emergency Nurse Residence Program
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