An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Preventio ...
An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Preventio ...
An Overview of Firearm Safety and Injury Prevention Topic Brief
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Firearm injuries are a significant public health problem in the United States (U.S.), contributing to premature death and disability. From 2012 to 2016, there were over 175,000 firearm deaths in the U.S. The majority of firearm injuries treated in emergency departments are among males, and the highest rate of firearm-related deaths is among individuals aged 65 and older. Firearm injuries can result from acts of violence, self-directed violence such as suicide, and unintentional injuries. Firearm-related deaths vary by state, with Alaska having the most firearm deaths followed by Alabama. Children and adolescents are also at risk of firearm-related injuries and deaths. Pediatric firearm deaths are often the result of playing with guns, and older children more frequently die due to showing a gun to others or mistakenly thinking it was unloaded. Intimate partner violence is also a concern, as firearm access is associated with increased severity of intimate partner homicide. Suicide by firearm is a significant problem, with over half of all suicide deaths in the U.S. involving firearms. Safe storage practices, such as storing firearms unloaded and locked, can significantly reduce accidental injuries, self-inflicted injuries, and deaths among children and adolescents. Patient education, delivered through a multi-disciplinary approach involving healthcare providers, law enforcement, and communities, can be effective in reducing firearm-related injuries and deaths. Screening for the risk of firearm injury, counseling on safe storage practices, and providing resources to at-risk individuals and families are important aspects of patient education.
Meta Tag
firearm safety
firearm safety
firearm safety
firearm safety
firearm safety
firearm safety
intimate partner violence
firearm safety
firearm safety
injury prevention
firearm safety
firearm safety
firearm injuries
public health problem
United States
premature death
emergency departments
firearm-related deaths
acts of violence
safe storage practices
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