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Documentary Film Viewing of In Case of Emergency
In Case of Emergency is a documentary that follows emergency nurses and their patients in seven unique settings across the U.S. Course expires 10/31/2024.

Thank you for viewing the In Case of Emergency Film.

You must view the film prior to claiming CNE.  If you have not viewed the In Case of Emergency Film, please visit  (
Admission fee for the film applies).

About the film.

All of our country's biggest public health challenges - from COVID-19 to the opioid crisis to gun violence to behavioral health and lack of insurance - collide in emergency departments (EDs). Nearly half of all medical care in the U.S. is delivered in EDs, and nurses are on the frontlines of that care, addressing our physical and emotional needs and sending us back out into the world. In Case of Emergency is a documentary that follows emergency nurses and their patients in seven unique settings across the U.S., from urban to rural, shedding light on some of the biggest health care crises facing Americans today and the opportunity that emergency nurses have to help break a sometimes vicious cycle for patients under their care.

To view the film, or for more information, please visit, 

For information on additional CNE and resources for In Case of Emergency, visit

IMPORTANT: After viewing the film, in order to receive the 1.5 contact hour you must have an ENA profile and follow the steps below:

  1. Add to cart and checkout
  2. Select Get Started, Go To Course, then Access Course
  3. Select Documentary Film Viewing of In Case of Emergency to attest that you watched the full-length of the film
  4. Click Mark as Viewed
  5. Click Go to Evaluation and complete the evaluation
  6. Click Claim Contact Hours

Carolyn Jones

Disclosure: The planners and presenters of this course have no conflicts of interest with the content of this activity. Learners will be awarded 1.5 contact hours of CNE upon complete review of course content including documentary film viewing, response to reflection questions, and submission of an evaluation. Course expires 10/31/2024.

The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Provider Unit #P0232.

The Emergency Nurses Association is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #2322.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $0.00
Non-Member: $45.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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