ED Readiness For Children Infographic
ED Readiness For Children Infographic
ED Readiness For Children Infographic
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This document provides guidelines for improving pediatric readiness in the emergency department (ED). It emphasizes the need for Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators (PECCs) to oversee pediatric care delivery and evaluation. These coordinators should be emergency physicians and nurses with expertise in pediatric emergency care. The document also stresses the importance of establishing a culture of safety and educating staff on pediatric-specific safety considerations, as well as ensuring competency in pediatric care for all healthcare team members.<br /><br />To enhance quality and performance, a quality improvement and performance improvement (QI/PI) plan should be implemented, focusing on monitoring outcomes-based pediatric-specific indicators. It is recommended to develop age-specific policies, procedures, and protocols that address children with special health care needs.<br /><br />Support services in the ED should be equipped to provide care to pediatric patients, including radiology departments developing protocols to reduce radiation exposure and clinical laboratories having transfer protocols for patients who exceed their capabilities.<br /><br />The ED should be stocked with appropriate-sized pediatric supplies and equipment, organized logically and using a color-coded, weight-based storage system. A fully stocked pediatric resuscitation cart should be readily accessible at all times.<br /><br />The document suggests weighing all patients in kilograms, taking a full set of vital signs, and using weight-based dosing for medications. It also emphasizes the importance of cultural sensitivity, interpreter services, family-centered care, patient identification policies, and monitoring and evaluating patient safety events.<br /><br />Integrating multidisciplinary QI/PI activities with prehospital agencies, inpatient pediatrics, trauma/injury prevention programs, and pediatric critical care is recommended. The Plan, Do, Study, Act method should be used to systematically review and mitigate variances in pediatric emergency care.<br /><br />Local collaboration with regional pediatric centers and the use of standard, evidence-based guidelines from the EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center's website are also encouraged. Finally, staff should be educated on policies and compliance should be monitored to ensure effective implementation of these guidelines.
Meta Tag
ED readiness
ED readiness
ED readiness
ED readiness
ED readiness
pediatric readiness
emergency department
Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinators
culture of safety
quality improvement
pediatric supplies and equipment
weight-based dosing
cultural sensitivity
family-centered care
evidence-based guidelines
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