2 Week ENRP Alternate Didactic Schedule (Simulatio ...
2 Week ENRP Alternate Didactic Schedule (Simulatio ...
2 Week ENRP Alternate Didactic Schedule (Simulation Days)
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The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) offers an Emergency Nurse Residency Program (ENRP) that includes a two-week didactic classroom experience. The schedule for this program includes various topics and simulations to provide comprehensive training. <br /><br />The first day covers program overview, cardiology, and shock & sepsis. Day two focuses on respiratory emergencies, followed by neurological emergencies on day three. Metabolic and behavioral health emergencies are covered on day four. <br /><br />The program continues with trauma emergencies on days six and seven, gastrointestinal and genitourinary emergencies on day seven, and special populations (obstetric and pediatric emergencies) on day eight. <br /><br />The final day of the program is dedicated to older adults and putting all the knowledge together. Each day includes a combination of didactic lectures, case studies, and simulation experiences. <br /><br />Simulation experiences throughout the program cover various medical conditions, such as chest pain, hemorrhagic shock, respiratory emergencies, headache, and trauma. <br /><br />Recommended equipment and training for the program include items like defibrillators, intravenous catheters, ECG machines, respiratory equipment, medication dispensing systems, and devices for different procedures. <br /><br />The program also includes protocol reviews and self-directed case studies to further enhance knowledge and skills. Topics covered in the case studies range from cardiac emergencies to trauma, gastrointestinal emergencies, and special populations. <br /><br />Overall, the ENRP didactic classroom experience provides a comprehensive education for emergency nurses, covering a wide range of emergency topics and providing hands-on training through simulations and case studies.
Emergency Nurses Association
Emergency Nurse Residency Program
didactic classroom experience
shock & sepsis
respiratory emergencies
neurological emergencies
metabolic emergencies
trauma emergencies
special populations
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